
Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Gentle Tug

This week my hubby took us to do something that we have never done in our entire 15 years of marriage. What is that? Don't laugh people.......he took me to pick out a bedding set. Now let me explain: In the almost 20 years that John and I have lived together we have never ever bought a bedroom set. How is this possible? My mom frequently changes her bedroom décor, and when she does, we inherit all the bedding ---her stuff is very nice! So nice that we never felt the need to pick out our own. Weird, I know, but it worked for us. Lol!

So anyhow, John and I excitedly pick out a style that suits both of us; pretty enough to be girly with a pattern that suits his manliness --and our colors people!! Man it felt so good! We were as excited as giddy children awaiting Christmas morning. I woke up early the next day, loaded up all our specially picked bedding into my arms, and hauled it down to the laundry room. Yay! I was ecstatic! I loaded the sheets and pillow cases into the washer and added our favorite softener, excitedly anticipating my head hitting the lavender scented pillows!

Let me explain why this little process was bringing me so much joy. My man requires three things that just immediately make him happy. Yup, just three! 1.) His t-shirts must be hung dried. 2.) Some kind of sandwich has to be on the menu several times a week. 3.) The bed has to be made everyday. These things just make him happy! I don't know why, but over the years I have discovered if these three things happen, he is a happy man, and a happy man makes a happy home! I was happy dancing just thinking about the joy on his face when he saw our new bed properly made up, fit for a king, and filing our entire room with its enticing scent! Joy! Joy!

After what seems a too long, hour and a half, I pull the sheets out of the dry. This is where my excitement comes crashing down! Why? Well wouldn't you know that there was a pair of Joey's short that made it into the wash with my sheets, and those shorts where tied up in the fitted sheet. As I untangle the sheet and shorts, I noticed huge splotches of green, gulp! I started silently praying that this was a manufactures defect, one that could be easily solved by an easy and fair exchange. But no! My hopes are dashed when a small melted green crayon falls from the sheet carnage! No!!!

My instant response was not a godly one people! I melted down, it was ugly. I silently cried out, "Why!!!! Why!!!" which quickly changed into, "I will Never have anything nice, EVER!!" Wahhh!!! Lol! It was bad! As I was getting ready to charge upstairs and sink my claws into my tiny 7 year old, I felt a gentle tug on my heart. I immediately fought the clear headed reasoning that was starting to dawn on me..... "Isn't a freak out on my part justified!! Come on!!" Lol!

You should know that that very morning while I was reading my bible and doing my devotions this verse came up several times:  James 3:17-18 (MSG) Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor. RIGHT!!! Exactly!! I have a choice to make as I climb the stairs that will inevitably bring me to my sweet boy: react in anger or react with love. Gosh darn it! Do I honor God, or my selfish desires. I choose God, and I try to do it with a happy heart! Lol!

So I find my Joe and the conversation goes like this:
Me: Hey.
Joe: Hey?
Me: Did you have a green crayon?
Joe: (realization slowly comes over his face) Yes.
Me: It was in your pocket.
Joe: (very sincere) I'm sorry mom.
Me: Say a prayer that it comes out of my new sheets. (Working to keep angry and accusing out of my tone)
Joe: I will mom.

And I let it go and went the work of getting the crayon out of the sheet. Did you catch that!?! I let it go!! I didn't have a crabby nasty attitude for the rest of the day. I didn't let it build awaiting the next upset of the day to spew out my pent up emotions, and I didn't make him nor anyone else 'pay' for my upset with passive aggressive cutting remarks or actions. I accepted his precious little sorry, and forgave his mistake. That's what it was, a mistake. It wasn't a premeditated personal attack against my happiness. --it was truly an accident.

After several hours and many washes most of the crayon came out! Praise Jesus! And my greater joy? I got to tell Joey that God answered his earnest prayer! A prayer that asked his God to restore his mommy's sheets, so that his mommy could have something nice! So good! 
Just take in the goodness!!

As I laid in my wonderful smelling, beautiful sheets, I felt blessed beyond measure. Not only was I enjoying the fruits of my hubby's labor and his loving-giving kindness, but I was celebrating a Holy victory of conquering my selfish emotions! In obeying the words God had given me over and over again that morning, I saw Him work in my life, but most importantly I got to see Him work in my baby's life. I love the moments in my life that gently whisper, or blatantly scream, "He is real, God is real!"  God revealed Himself in a tangible way to me and my boy, is there anything better? I say no! 

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