
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Unfriend Me Then!

While on Facebook (FB), I was scrolling though status updates and came across a familiar one. One that I have seen countless times. One that pushes on my angry button and challenges my goal to watch my mouth (even my written words). Ha! Curious? Well here it is:

Doing some 'housecleaning" today. I'm [thinning out], 
[editing], [removing], [deleting] people from my friends list.
(I said this in my sickly sweet Mary Poppins voice)

Is your blood boiling yet? I know for a fact that you all have seen or experienced (or God forbid posted one yourself) the above status update in some form or fashion. Regardless of the exact wording the person uses, it all sends the same message --I reject you!

"Pfffft!! Up Yours! Oh! And Unfriend Me!!" I seriously have to stop myself from replying this to whomever --family, friend, or acquaintance.

Whether you want to admit it or not, you too are offended in some way when you see this update. It can range from anger to fear. I know this because humans hate rejection. We just do! It is born in us. I react the way I do because I want everyone to feel like they belong, that they are worthy of relationship, and I have serious abandonment-daddy issues. Lol!

I'm going to get you before you even have a thought of getting me! You are gonna get got! Ha! I'm breaking up with you before you can break it off with me --so unfriend me now, is my immediate response. I have even just gone to my friend list and 86'd them first. Can anybody relate? I protect myself from feeling vulnerable by using counter strike war tactics. Ha! I can't let anybody near the well hidden and deeply buried tender ache of my daddy leaving me......of being betrayed, discarded, unfriended. You follow?


This is a rare reaction for me, but I have seen it countless times in response to said status update. Fretting! Angst! "I hope everything is okay.......[with us]." A hiccup of worry growing to a big fat festering feeling of rejection. She/He must be talking about me. And then sit there and think of every instant when you feel like you did or said something stupid. What started out a beautiful day has swiftly swung with the sharpness of a pendulum to dreadful. That is until you ask, "Are we good?" and the reply is "Yes! Of course!" Does that define you? Beating yourself up over any possible mishap until your receive a word of acceptance? 

I just have to yell,  "SHAME ON YOU!!!" Whoever posts this cryptic kind of update knows exactly what they are doing. You know! (I said that in my mean mommy voice!) You are just being insecure and plain mean. You manipulate all of us, your 'friends', to stroke your ego, which is so trashy. Your motives are yucky and HEY! thanks for upsetting 500+ people because you need stroking! It's like the girl who is super skinny (or the guy that is super buff) and she (he) keeps complaining about how fat (small) she (he) is; just fishing for compliments. Or you could be that mean girl or guy from high school that was on top of food chain just wanting to remind everyone that you still hold that power! Shoot! Please!

Just stop it! Do like every other person on FB, and block, restrict, and unfriend on the DL! You don't need to advertise it! There is no need to alert everyone of their pending doom. Just do it!


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