Monday, March 18, 2013

Humbled Spring Chicken

There's nothing like a painful stiff neck that will humble you and make you realize, really quick,  that you just may not be a spring chicken anymore. And I have no great story to tell, no death defying act of courage, nor a last minute 'goal' experience to tell. I could of course spin a thousand tales that will leave you amazed and in awe of my athletic ability, but I will tell the brutal honest truth --in my regular no-filter-attached kind of way.

I was sleeping.......I woke up! That's it! I was already feeling totally recovered  from a 'I-kicked-big-booty' 1/2 mile swim (the first swim of the season, might I add) I did 9 days ago, then coupled with the after effects of a 'I-might-have-gone-overboard' intense yoga session 7 days ago.....but I'm sure I'd have known immediately if I had injured my neck or pinched a nerve! Right?

Anyways, I was reaching up in the closet to load the bathrooms up with more toilet paper when my shoulder and neck ceased up into what felt like a giant charlie horse and it has been all.....ouchie-batman-stiff-necked movements since. My boys have been calling me batman since Friday, and I have to tell you, I may have considered wearing the youngest's batman hoodie with eye holes and all. (LOL).

If the boot fits.....

Needless to say, I made an emergency appointment with my chiropractor and that really helped to loosen me up but the pain still remained. By Friday evening, I couldn't stand myself anymore so I took a muscle relaxer that seemed to do the job. I felt 80% better! But by Sunday morning the effects of the muscle relaxer and the adjustment had officially worn off! I was back at square one this morn! Blah Blah Blah Whine Whine Whine! (Lol!)

So here is my Jesus moment. Something arrived for me in the mail. I knew it was coming because a few days before, my sweet southern bell of a friend told me that Jesus asked her to give me something that she intended for other uses. She said it was just a small little thing but nonetheless wanted to send it to me. And she did! Thank you Jesus that you gave me friends that love You and obey You! So this little piece of golden love arrives in the mail, and can you guess what it was???

A gift card to Body Massage!! I was like, "Get Out Of TOWN!! The day I woke up with a crick in my neck, I get this faith filled gift. I'll admit it, John and I got emotional! I love that the Lord is always planning ahead, always working things out for the good of those who love Him! I called my homie and told her right away how the Lord used her, and I know it increased her faith and her hope in her savior! And I believe with all my heart my sweet friend's reward will be immeasurably great!

After much hesitation on my part to use this gift (because it is hard to receive, and you know it! I love giving but it is very difficult to humble myself and graciously receive especially knowing my friend whose a mother of 5!!! could really use this gift herself), I finally scheduled an appointment for tomorrow, where I know I will come out the spring chicken I was before Friday....because the Lord has ordained it people! Lol!

I love you my sweet and precious gift-from-God-friend! I am very excited to hear about how God is going to continue using you and blessing you. My life is so much richer in laughter and faith because of you!

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