Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beware!! Must have strong stomach!

Beware!! Must have strong stomach! Very Controversial Information is Below This Line!!

Here's my current soapbox: Individualism in the church!

I've been letting this roll around my thoughts, trying to figure out what the heck is happening in the churches of today. Being of the church world, I cannot go anywhere without hearing something that leaves a bad taste in mouth. It goes beyond my church, my friends' churches, denominations. It really has no exact address but appears to be infecting every church at it's core, whether a little or a lot, any amount is too much.

Here are my thoughts!

Denominations: Take care of your pastors!! Call them! Write them! Take them to coffee or a meal! Share your time, money, and expertise with those who are on the front lines. We the church supports the domination so that it can in effect support us; however, more often then naught, our pastors feel completely alone and forgotten. They need you! We need you to encourage our pastors! And this should not happen once a year, it should be monthly, weekly, daily.

I hear many times: Put your trust in God. Let your hopes be in Him. Keep your eyes on Him. Hard times will come but you will overcome. Let me just say, that if a pastor didn't live on the firm foundation of Christ's promises to care for him/her, we would not have a single pastor; not one person would willing to commit themselves to ministry! It is hard work! Don't use God's word to excuse yourself from lending a helping hand, and don't use God's words to excuses yourself from your responsibilities as their leaders. Christ, himself, poured himself unselfishly into his disciples: loving them, caring for them, mentoring them, teaching them, holding the accountable.....ect..... He vested his most precious time into his leaders, we too, should follow suit.

Church Leaders: Take care of the people on your leadership team, FIRST! Stand in the gap for one another! If you see your team member struggling, care for that person. If you see your brother or sister sinning, call them on it. Have grace, be compassionate, and above all else LOVE!

Think on this: if you are spending all your time and efforts reaching your community through events, projects, outreach, feeding the  poor, clothing the homeless BUT have people on your team (volunteers included) who are struggle financially, cannot put food on their tables, missing payments.....ect...what value does your outreach really have? Doesn't the word say that people will know us by the way we one another? Just a thought! Pay your people what they are worth!! If you cannot pay them regularly...them give them gifts regularly! Simple appreciation can change someones perceptive and their heart!

Churches: Encourage your pastors! Don't worship them, and don't be over critical. They need to know that what they are putting their hands to is worth their time and efforts. They need to know that what they are doing is making a difference. Don't promote your own ideas but encourage his/hers. Listen. Be respectful. Don't gossip.  And above all love them!

Church hoppers: Pick a home church and STAY there! They need you! Vest yourself. Tithe. Volunteer. Build relationships. Get involved.

Individualism does not promote love. Separation does not promote growth. We the church are supposed to be different than the world around us. We are supposed to look different, act different, sound different. As our world grows more and more impersonal, we the church should grow more and more personal!

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