I was himhawing around on Pinterest several months ago, when I stumbled upon a whole bunch of stuff made out of pallets! Let me tell you, I was ex-cit-ed!! My hubs and I own an
electronics recycling business which means we have an abundance of pallets all the time! Once I got my sweetie hooked, it was on! Here is our first attempt at making pallet furniture:
King Size Pallet Bed
You will need 12 pallets for this project
Look for pallets that are in great shape, approximately the same size and shape.
Take the pallets home and be prepared to clean them!
Tee-pee two pallets together
wherever it is you have access to water.
We sprayed ours down with a pressure washer
Let them dry for 3-5 days.
Start your pallet stack!
Stack two (2) pallets on top of each other. Make sure they are stacked and lined up evenly, then (wood) screw the two pallets together.
*Repeat for each additional layer you'd like to add*. We made ours three (3) pallets high.
~Repeat steps above: you should have four (4) -Three (3) high pallet square sections.~
Caution: the more layers you add the heavier the sections become.

Here's what one of our stacks looked like.
Time to Stain the wood!
We bought a black (indoor) wood stain.
We added a couple coats to only the outer edges.
We wanted a rustic look and less work! But, if you so desire,
you can stain every surface of your pallets stacks.
Let this dry for 48 hrs.
After 48 hrs. "spray"
(we bought the spray kind instead of the brush on kind)
polyurethane to coat where you stained the wood.
Let it dry for 48hrs!
Now here's where the warning comes in: if you love the smell of stain, let your excitement win your better judgment and start setting up your new frame immediately. If you do not want to gag, choke, or question your sanity, let this frame cure outside for 2 weeks. The stain smell does go away but it takes up to 2 weeks for the stain to cure, and no longer give off deathly fumes.
Can you guess why we know this!! lol!!
Setting it up!!!
Lay the first 2 stacks side by side:
this is the top of the bed
(we didn't want a headboard)
Add the 3rd stack
Add the last stack
Press all 4 stacks together
nice and snug.
We didn't permanently attach them together but I'm sure you can screw
a small board in between each plank to anchor them together.
The bed has not sifted or moved at all,
so we have not needed to do this.
Tip: Use cardboard under each corner of the stacks to protect floors.
If you have hardwood, like we do.
Here it is!
Beautiful! |
Tips: I put a bed skirt on the frame because we have a small sitting bench at the end of the bed; I don't want to sit directly onto the wood. We LOVE the bench!! Love it!! Also, the side of the bed acts as a shelf where I keep the book I'm reading, my phone, and so on. The skirt covers the 'cracks' so nothing falls through.
Sring lights under the bed for extra pizazz and romance. It's not only pretty but it just calms me down! I feel at peace when I walk into this softly lit room. Perfect for simply detoxing from the day. We got the ones that flicker, so it looks like our bed is on fire......cause that's where the magic happens people!! Ha!
AND.......you would never be able to tell that we didn't stain that whole monster! Less work, less money, totally worth it!
Down to earth, simple, and freaking amazing.. just like my husband thats gotta build me one now!! Lmao Great idea and looks great!!
ReplyDeleteWaiting on my pallets now to start this project with my husband. Great idea !!