Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Punch Lunch

Today I got the privilege of attending a very special lunch for my littlest love, Joey. In his class, they use a punch card to track disciplinary infractions. Well, my Joey has not had a punch all year long, which qualified him to receive a special invite to have lunch with his teacher! I mean, how precious is that!?! And!!! this proud momma gets to say that my child has not gotten punched in class all year long!! (Lol) Nor has he 'punched' anyone else!! (Lol)  That, my friends, is a great thing to say when you have all boys!

My Lunch Friends!
There were 15!! Kids who Attended!!

All humor aside, this is a confirmation from the Lord that we are doing a good job! Every parent needs to hear that, no matter how much they 'have it togehter'. We all need a whisper that says, "Well done good and faithful servant!" "Keep running the race, it is worth it!" You are a fruit barer!" A pat on the back from God, a high-5 of celebration; I love how He encourages us!

Incredible circumstance worked out:  Not only was I able to work it out with my job to go, BUT I was able to leave even earlier then I expected. God knew I didn't have it all together people! (LOL) So He worked it out for my good, because He is good, and I love Him!

Here's how it goes: I get to work and immediately bump into the kinder teacher, which NEVER has happened.....at all! Not once, all year. Why? Kinder starts their classes before I get to school; my 1st class of the day is 7th grade, where I am their 2nd hour teacher. See how this is a miracle! (eyes shining with wonder) She tells me that my kinders (my 2nd hour class) are watching the middle school play, and I am not needed today! Holla!!!  And the next awesomeness? My 1st graders just left on an all day field trip!! Sweet Jesus Blessings!! (lol) Needless to say, I was able to leave after my 1st hour!

Why is this a blessing? Because I didn't have my act together! I had not picked up lunch for Joey and I, which I was able to do! Also, I seriously dislike the weight of rushed stress (who doesn't), because I wanted to enjoy my boy's celebration and not feel like it's one-more-thing-I-have-to-do! You know what I'm saying?!!

Today has been a gift! My beginning of having FUN with my God (a story I will share soon)!! I pray that you will have handfuls of little surprises that bless you in unexpected ways!
Silly Faces!!

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