Anyhow, as you can imagine every time I had something profound or funny to share, I would totally forget what I was doing and move on to whatever fancied across my mind! Lol! Two words: Pain Pills! So wonderful for pain, but good Lord in heaven it is not good for the thinking mind.....wait let me take that is not good for putting imaginings in to action! Can anyone say random acts of nodding off! Jeesh!
Despite my loopiness, I have learned some amazing things about myself and my family, which I am excited beyond measure that I can finally share with you! I pray that it will bring you joy, giggles, and insight!

While taking me to my first pre-op appointment (mind you 6 days after going under the knife), John turned to me with tears in his eyes and said, "That is the 1st time I've heard you sing!" He is so tender hearted friends, it simply blesses my heart! I wasn't even rockin' the house (or car!) people! I was mindlessly, quietly humming and singing to some song playing on the radio. Here's the 2 things I took away from that:
- Singing, for my guys, is a sign that I am okay. All is okay if momma has a song in her heart! I love that! I LOVE that!
- I couldn't help to think about the Daddy of all Daddies, God the Father. What a joy it is that we lift up our voice in praise and worship to Him. How the tears of heartfelt joy roll from His mighty eyes because our very voice brings Him so much happiness. That's good friends! We are the apple of His eye, the cream in His coffee! Lol! Being fatherless until I was 12, I forget that a father's heart is tender and his love is beyond measure.
He is a protector. The fine details are a bit elusive but I know that I'm going to be okay wherever we have to go! Here's a little example: He wants to make sure I get from point A to point B safely but never remembers to feed me! Lol! What a precious heart he has! He gets upset if I have to stand too long (On one foot! It's harder then it sounds!), or I have to take care of something or someone else ---he just wants me to sit and rest! I say a lot to him, "Don't tell me what to do!" Lol!! He is going to be a strong and loving husband and father one day!
He is loyal! He is the kind of guy that you want to have your back, because he is faithful and will never leave your side. He is the fine details! He has forfeited his summer with his friends to be at my side at all times ---and I've never asked him to do that! I tell him all the time to go play with his friends but he knows his bros are not 'detail' people and therefore cannot leave me in their care! Lol! I never have to ask for anything because he is already on it. My cup is always full of water and within my reach, my favorite lotion is on my couch side table along with my favorite lip gloss, and he is constantly ready for anything I need ---he tries to anticipate it before I have to ask. Everything exactly how I like it! That takes intentional focus people! Although we want all our children to be leaders, I am proud that Connor is a support person, I cannot wait to see how God is going to use him! He is going to be richly blessed because he is going to be an invaluable blessing to someone else.
This boy devours books like I do! He loves to read! Man that excites me! We don't have to force him to do his daily reading, he just does it because he enjoys it! He has the heart of an adventurer and is always exploring everything around him. He'd rather watch the History Channel, Animal Planet, or National Geographic then cartoons any day! He is also a genius business man as he has made handfuls of money off of selling rocks (typically ones he found in the neighbors rocks which means they are buying back their own rocks!!) and Mexican Grass Seeds that he harvests from Grandpa's grass plants! He's so intelligent.
I have learned to surrender control. It has been tough to lay down everything but I seriously had no other choice. You cannot carry anything when you're crutching every where. I cannot do anything by myself . Nothing! I cannot clean, cook, get my coffee, do the laundry, walk up or down the stairs, drive, open doors, close doors, grocery shop, carry my purse, ect., ect.... But I have learned that my husband and children are fully capable to take care of all the matters of our home! In fact, they are awesome at it! I learned that they learn by example. They have watched me care for them for all their years, and I simply need to trust them enough to let them 'fly'. John and I have done a good job raising our boys. Our journey is far from done, but we have done just fine.
I pray today that you see your husband and kids in a different way. That God reveals to you their characters and their hearts. And more than anything my hope is that you, as the parent, see your value and recognize that you too have done just fine!
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