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I literally looked exactly like this! Lol! |
I scream obscenities in my head as I think about how worse my morning just got: the crazy mini van drivers thinking they drive a sports car, the I-can't-just-hug-and-go parents, and the aggressive nastiness of the I'm-late-for-work-and-I-blame-it-on-you parent. While I process this terrible reality, I keep completely composed and say, "No more electronics in the morning.Okay?" His sad face and remorseful eyes sorrowfully answer, "Okay mom." As we drive back to the house, he keeps apologizing. So sweet! this little pumpkin of mine! I keep telling him that I forgive him but say nothing else. In that moment I hear HS whisper over me, "My mercies are new every morning."
Do I punish my kid? No. Do I chastise him for his forgetfulness? No. Do I shame him for inconveniencing me? No. I choose to bless him. Isn't that how Jesus works? Today, I decided to choose Jesus' ways and not my own.
He gets in the car, and I start driving to Starbucks, which is in the opposite direction of his school. I say nothing as I watch confusion cloud his face. As we pull into the little shopping area, I ask him if he'd like a Frap, and he replies with a quick YES --but is clearly perplexed. "Why is she being nice to me when I royally messed up," is plastered on his face and running through his thoughts. I still say nothing.
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Rock Solid Poker Face |
I make it to the parking lot and see the LONGEST line ever! I screamed internally but kept a plain happy smile planted on my face. The line is so long that we are blocking parked vehicles trying to leave. I still smile, back up, and let 3 cars pull out. No anger, no cussing, no feelings whatsoever. I kept it logical; they need out, I'm in the way, and I can move. A simple solution that allows every one to go about their morning with out being jerks to each other.
Joe and I finally pull up to the window, and I'm ready with my payment because we were in line that long. Ha! The sweet barista opens her window and says, "The car in front of you paid for your order." Joe and I looked at each other and died laughing! And then I said what? because I just had to hear the 'good news' again. And she obliges! Joe turns to me and says, "Momma, pay for the people behind us!" Joy people! Pure joy was abounding in my little Honda this morn! Just when I thought I reached the zenith of happiness, I paid for the car behind me and joy exploded! I couldn't even handle the goodness of that moment. Then I heard HS whisper to me, "Well done good and faithful servant."
I toggled between tearing up and laughing all the way to the school, as we thoroughly enjoyed our Jesus coffee! Man that felt so good! Jesus said, "No!" to the plans evil made to ruin our Thursday. My ability to bite my tongue, tune into the voice of God, and follow through with His direction, we rearranged our day. Every morning before I get out of bed I say, "Jesus, what do you want me to do today?" This morning He told me to balance my checkbook and to laugh! I was like, "Sweet! What else?" He told me to keep listening. I'm so glad I did.
My JoJo went to school with a pep in his step and joy abounding in his heart. I went home with a renewed wellness, deep, deep in my soul, where I need wellness the most. You know what I'm saying? As I went about my day, I laughed every time I thought about this morning and simultaneously asked God, "Let me always hear you! I want to always love people the way You do!" I do not want my family, my friends, or people in general to feel like inconveniences in my life. I want to cherish, love, and enjoy the goodness of the people in my life. We have so many things to be mad at these days, so many offenses, so many upsets. I want to be like the car in front of me this morning, a joy fire starter.
To keep this momentum going, I asked my middle boy (who is home sick) if he wanted to get lunch today from McDonalds. He of course said a loud YES! I asked him if we should pay for the car behind us when we pulled into the drive-thru. Now this child had to think about it, look at the people 100 times, and think some more. When I pulled up to pay he whispers enthusiastically, "Do it mom!" And I did. We were so giddy! Dancing in our seats and laughing like teenagers .....okay so he is a teenager! Lol! We couldn't even handle the goodness!
Thank you little blue Ford Fussion, you truly spread joy this morning. You set forth a momentum of giving and kindness and sparked a desire to better love people.
I dare you to pay for someone's meal, buy someone's coffee, leave gifts on your neighbors doorsteps! I dare you! And I guarantee your soul will be well!
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